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Almond and Amaranth Ladoo Recipe

Almond and Amaranth Ladoo Recipe   ADD REVIEWRecipe in Hindi Tweeterfacebook How to make Almond and Amaranth Ladoo Chef: Kunal Kapur Recipe Servings: 15 Prep Time: 05 mins Cook Time: 10 mins Total Cook Time: 15 mins Difficulty Level: Easy About Almond and Amaranth Ladoo Recipe: An easy and quick, 3 ingredient ladoo recipe! Almond and Amaranth Ladoos are a healthy snack option to binge on when you crave something sweet or you can even make them quickly during the festival season to relish with family and friends. Ingredients Of Almond And Amaranth Ladoo 50 Gram Popped amaranth seeds 50 ml Jaggery, melted 30 gram Almonds (slivered, unpeeled) How to Make Almond and Amaranth Ladoo 1.Add popped amaranth seeds, almond slivers and melted jaggery in a...

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Almond, Walnut, Raisin & Popcorn Trail Mix

Almond, Walnut, Raisin & Popcorn Trail Mix RECIPE COURTESY OF ASIAN FOOD NETWORK Almond, Walnut, Raisin & Popcorn Trail Mix 1 Review Here’s a nutty option to go with the traditional popcorn –the Almond, Walnut, Raison & Popcorn Trail mix. Thanks to the addition of walnut and almond, it is packed with good sources of fat, fiber and protein, making it one of the best snacks for the young, the old and the health conscious. And we have not forgotten our readers with a sweet tooth –toss in some lovely raisins for some natural sweetness. HALAL HEALTHY NO ALCOHOL NO MILK Difficulty: Easy Steps: 2 steps 6 Ingredients Preparation: 5 min Cook: 10 min Clean up: 10 min Save Recipe...

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HONOLULU COOKIE CO. COPYCAT The Honolulu Cookie Company has been baking macadamia nut shortbread cookies in the shape of pineapples since 1998. I’ve been baking macadamia nut shortbread cookies in the shape of pineapples since, um, this week. INSPIRATION I stockpile recipe and decorating ideas for whisk + wander [ALL. THE. TIME.] The trouble is, I don't do it in a very organized fashion. I have a cute notebook on my desk that I use when I get inspired while working, I jot notes on my phone when I'm out-n-about, I rip pages from magazines and put 'em, oh jeez, where did I put those? [shrug] Let's just say I have lots of ideas around here [and in my brain],...

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This Coconut Macadamia Nut Granola is the perfect breakfast or snack. Paired with yogurt and berries, this is my favorite breakfast! This easy recipe is gluten free, vegan, and refined sugar free. Coconut Macadamia Nut Granola  Author Rachel Conners Ingredients 2 1/2 cups old fashioned oats use certified GF oats to keep GF 1 tablespoon chia seeds 1 tablespoon hemp seeds 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds 1/3 cup coconut oil melted 2/3 cup maple syrup 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract 1 cup macadamia nuts 1 cup unsweetened shaved coconut Instructions Preheat oven to 300°F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine oats, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, and macadamia nuts. In a smaller bowl, mix together remaining ingredients and stir until fully incorporated. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and stir...

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夏威夷果仁蛋糕 - 好吃到雖然吃完隔天胖了兩公斤也值得

     隨著身邊晉身媽媽的女生朋友越來越多,我也有機會吃到不同的彌月蛋糕。大部份蛋糕都很好吃,但由於我的記憶跟金魚差不多一樣短暫,所以大部份吃完後沒有什麼印象,有時甚至忘記自己曾經收過某某人的彌月蛋糕。分享食物實在不是我擅長的,畢竟我的志願是走旅遊部落客,我知道美食部落客吃飯的時候都要先等相機拍完一輪才准動食物,像我這種沒耐心又愛吃的人做美食部落客根本就是會失敗 - 誰要看已經咬一半的漢堡或是只剩下蔥花的燒肉呢? 總而言之,如果我會寫關於吃的,肯定只有兩種情況: 1. 好吃到我要落淚真心推薦掛出「艾莉保證」,看在我這張嘴也是嚐遍各地美食的份上,大家請相信我! 2. 明明是網路超級推薦,但其實根本就是個大地雷,吃完以後只有無言想默默離開的感覺。這時候,為了避免更多人受害,我被賦予了重大的使命就是要幫助廣大網友釐清事實! 既然我如此挑,大家就知道我接下來要介紹的蛋糕一定是萬中之選。有在物色彌月蛋糕的媽媽們,請務必直接放上到妳的final list。這個超好吃超推的蛋糕就是老爺大酒店裡老爺烘培坊的「夏威夷果仁蛋糕」。老爺不算高調的飯店,而且一般人在找蛋糕都是搜尋關鍵字「網友大推」或是「第一名彌月蛋糕」等字然後就會出現一堆業配文。很少人會想說買蛋糕要去老爺裡面的烘培坊買 (也太隱藏了!)。妳可能會想說哪有可能那麼好吃?事實就是這已經是我兩個月內第二次收到它,而且以它的價位來說,這些爸媽們為了滿足身邊親友的口慾還能這麼不手軟,大家可想而知他一定很厲害。照片勝過千言萬語,直接放幾張照片來看比較快!   第一次收到時,看到整個蛋糕上都是滿滿的夏威夷豆,想到的不是有好吃,而是「鮮奶油加夏威夷豆根本熱量破表吧!而且這麼多奶油會好吃嗎...」。這樣看不太出來有多少鮮奶油,看一下側面就知道..大概蛋糕一半都是奶油!     通常我這種愛吃戚風蛋糕的人比較喜歡扎實的海綿蛋糕,但是由於他們的鮮奶油實在太好吃,吃下去時,奶油與濕潤的海綿蛋糕立刻在口中化開向四面八方游去!而且口感比較綿密與一般傳統蛋糕的白色鮮奶油較輕盈不同,所以我特別上了官網查詢為什麼它這麼厲害。 以下是來自官網的敘述: 特製濕潤口感海綿蛋糕,層層包裹融合法國頂級無糖鮮奶油、特製香草布丁餡及澳洲進口夏威夷果仁,表層再以鮮奶油及夏威夷果仁裝飾,讓果仁香脆的口感融入香草布丁餡的順口香滑,深受國家級元首的青睞,也是人氣最高的蛋糕。 身為烘培坊裡面最貴的蛋糕 NT.520 絕對可以被合理化,因為我看到關鍵字「國家級元首」了!!! 哈哈哈,是哪個國家級元首青睞我好好奇喔!?可是官網怎麼沒有寫,網路上也查不到。我突然想到背書就是這麼一回事,任何產品只要放上名人或是大官的照片或是簽名,不及格立刻變及格,60分立刻變100分好厲害!如果沒有簽名或是照片,起碼文字上也要帶一下,就像我看到官網這意敘述時,馬上有種「英雄所見略同」的感受! 雖然到底是哪個英雄我完全不知道?!身為行銷人,這種文字創造的魔力真的值得研究。也許我以後應該在部落格前面加上「大師推薦」之類的,想必在讀者成長人數上會有顯著的效果。最後送上一張我剛才又忍不住跑去切了一塊的照片,強力建議這種好東西要與多人分享,不然就會像我上次一樣一個人兩天內吃完一條後體重直接爆衝2公斤。      https://nyusc.pixnet.net/blog/post/33652409   

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